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Notion Project Management Tracker & Client Portal

A better way to manage your web design projects & to speed up your process with a ready-to-use template in Notion. 

Joined by 50+ Students
Filia Academy Students

Does this sound like you?

If that sounds familiar, click the button below to get access to the template now!

It will only take minutes to set up your own top-notch project management system that features an integrated client portal and a fully customizable database where you can easily store all the information about each of your clients and projects and even upload documents specific to your clients or projects directly into Notion!
Notion Client Portal - Project Management screenshot of the template

You'll get

What you need

If you want to use Notion for free, great! You can do that. If you want to get the Personal Pro plan—which costs $4 a month—we would totally recommend it.

This gives you unlimited file uploads—meaning you can upload client files and project presentations without having to worry about running out of space.