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Where & how to find SEO and Web Design clients

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How & where to find SEO & web design clients for your business - Everything we do

One of the first questions people who want to build their own web design and SEO business ask themselves is where & how can I find SEO clients & web design clients? 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the ways that you can find web design and search engine optimization clients, from the best platforms, and industry events to social media, marketing partners, and more.

Table of Contents

meet up networking

Join Local Meetups

Meetups are an easy way to make industry connections.

If you’re a designer and you join a Web Design meetup in your area, you’ll be sure to run into designers in that space—and if one of them is looking for help with their website, they might just reach out to you! Similarly, if you start speaking at events other people in your industry will get familiar with who you are. That’s how you will be able to get great exposure for your business.

People will recognize your brand, you will be building relationships & trust. Once you have that engaged audience you will sell more of your services.

networking with web design and online marketing clients

Network with Peers and Clients

As with any industry, there are opportunities to network and make connections that can benefit you down the road.

In fact, it’s very likely that many of your current and future clients have already reached out or will reach out to you as time goes on.

So don’t be afraid to ask around about who might need a new website in the future; there is no such thing as too much marketing!

Find Web Design & Online Marketing Clients Through LinkedIn

The largest professional social network on earth, LinkedIn is still one of the best places to find potential clients.

Searching through groups and joining discussions related to your industry can help you build relationships with people who might be interested in hiring you. And don’t forget about InMail—LinkedIn’s private messaging system—which allows you to reach out directly to other users without having a connection in common.

All you have to do when trying to earn someone’s business is analyze their online presence, see what they are doing wrong & advise them on how to fix all of those things.

It all comes back to building trust & relationships with your potential clients.

We love Linkedin! It’s one of our top 3 platforms where we get our clients. It’s been always a seamless experience when working with a client from this platform.

Use Linkedin Groups

If you’re active in your industry, you likely have a substantial network on Linkedin.

Try posting a question asking if anyone knows of any businesses that might need help with SEO or web design.

These discussions can be very fruitful and lead to potential customers looking to hire you in the future. Also, if you are targeting any specific clientele, see if there is a Linkedin group where they congregate and ask them directly. This is one of our strategies as well & we’ve had a lot of success landing new clients! 

partnering with a printing company to find web design clients

Partner with Printing companies

For all of you web designers & SEO specialists, one of our best methods of acquiring new work is through word-of-mouth.

Clients often come to these types of companies when they need their printing done, and then come back to them as they grow their businesses and require more services.

By partnering with local printing companies—many of which may not specialize in web design, branding, SEO—you can bring in a steady stream of new clientele who will likely remain loyal to you down the road. It’s much easier than cold calling!

ask for a refferal to land web design and online marketing clients

Ask for refferals

Referrals are, by far, one of my favorite sources of potential new business.

Even if we can’t take on every job or project that comes our way via referrals, we still make a point to personally thank every person who refers someone to me.

A small gesture like that goes a long way toward building relationships with others in our industry. And it doesn’t hurt that referrals also happen to be some of my most lucrative leads.

So where do you find web design clients? Well, chances are you already know at least one person who could use your services (and wouldn’t mind referring you). All you have to do is ask!

create an affiliate program

Create an affiliate program for your web design & online marketing business

Setting up an affiliate program is one of the best ways to get a steady stream of new customers.

All you have to do is create a custom affiliate link for every single person you will approve to be a part of your affiliate program and track the conversions.

Offer a good commission for every single client referred or you can offer a recurring commission from month-to-month clients if you offer SEO or other monthly subscription services.

It’s like hiring a salesperson that works hard to promote your business through content and you pay them just commission.


If you are still wondering where & how to find web design & SEO clients for your business – these are the best platforms and ways to do it. 

The goal when we created FiliaAcademy was to share our experience, the mistakes we’ve made, and all the things that are getting us the results we want.  This is exactly how we successfully managed to grow our business and get more web design & SEO clients on a regular basis.

Use the same strategy as us & promise you will see the results coming.  Feel free to reach out if you need more help or schedule a coaching call with us & we will help you out. 


Sara & Ivana 

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